About me

Hi, friend! Amy here :)

I’m a Denver-based creator, shuffle dance coach/choreographer, and social media guru. I’ve been shuffling since August 2017 and have been teaching virtual and in-person classes since April 2020. Since moving to Denver in the Spring of 2021, I’ve been able to build a trusting community of people just like me! People who love to dance, connect, grow, and support each other.

While shuffling is one of my passions, on the other hand is social media and content creation. I've been working in the influencer marketing industry since 2018, when the industry was reaching its first peak. It’s been both challenging and rewarding to work in an industry that is constantly evolving. Between building my personal brand with dance and my background in content and social media, I started to play on the creator side of the industry and have been loving every minute.

Whether you’re here for dance, social media, content, or just to connect, I would love to help you in anyway I can!

Are you ready to flow with me?

“Your dreams are meant to pull you forward through your fears.”

— Mel Robbins

Where to begin…

Creating has always been a part of me. From coloring books to powerpoint presentations, to “crafting” in college and even sewing my own rave bras back in the early festival days, creativity and finding was to express myself is something I will carry with me throughout this lifetime. But I haven't always been so sure about where life would take me.
I started my dance journey at age 3 wearing tutu’s and high buns. I danced for about 13 years before prioritizing other activities like cheerleading and theater (yep, theater kid over here!) When I got to college in 2012 I was certain I would never dance again- unless if it was in my newly beloved rave scene where I would simply bounce up and down for hours on end (which I did not hate). But I always felt like I could be doing more or contributing more to the rave scene and the festival community. I fell in love hard and fast with the culture and knew it was something I’d be a part of for a very long time. 
In 2016, I graduated from Arizona State University. At the time, I started to see shuffling more and more on my Instagram explore page. Fast forward to a year later in August 2017. I was bored, fun-employed, living with my parents and drooling at all things EDM/raves/festivals. Learning how to shuffle crept more and more into my mind and finally I thought, “if not now… when?!” So I started my shuffle journey one night in my bedroom at my parents house and haven’t looked back since.
It genuinely was a hobby to start and felt refreshing to try something new. Stepping outside of my comfort zone felt good and yet scary. But you know what they say, if it doesn’t scare you, it’s not big enough. Shuffling and all that it have given me is, at this point in my life, is my true purpose. and it’s all because I simply started. It's given me community, confidence, and a sense a flow state I'm not sure I could have achieved doing anything else.
While shuffling is one of the biggest parts of my life, there’s something else that goes hand in hand with it that I’ve grown deeply passionate about: social media. I’ve worked in social media and more specifically, influencer marketing, since 2018. Being a part of the evolution has been fascinating and incredibly eye opening. I’ve learned and acquired so much social media, trends, content creating, and influencer marketing from my professional experience that I thought… why not take this with me on my personal journey?
Over the last few years, I’ve fallen into the world of influencer marketing and creating content on a more personal level through building my own brand. I didn't think I would be nearly as passionate about it as I am. The time is now for me to start helping others build their personal brand and guide them through the process of creating content in addition to shuffle coaching. Ultimately, my purpose here is to serve YOU! Whether that be through movement, media, content or simply connecting, I want to grow together and flow together in any process that I can help with.

xx Amy